Annotated Summary

Land Transport Authority (2013). An Assessment on the Effectiveness of Traffic Calming Markings and Alternative for Speed Regulating Strips. 16th Road Safety on Four Continents Conference.
Retrieved from

This article is an overseas conference report by the Land Transport Authority (LTA) Engineers shared on traffic assessments done for pilot trials of “Dragon Teeth” implemented in Singapore. The purpose is to serve as an alternative speed-reducing measures to replace road humps and speed regulating strips especially at areas with challenges due to the community, surrounding environment, and traffic conditions. Overseas research was done, and LTA has improvised the design taken from other countries such as the UK, sets ideal guidelines and criteria, suitable for traffic conditions on Singapore roads. The dragon teeth markings have proven effectiveness in visually changing motorist behaviours to travel at low speed.

The article provides detailed information for our research project on the implementation of dragon teeth along slip road zebra crossing. However, since the 2013 report until today, LTA has yet to widely implement the dragon teeth schemes, especially at areas with potential hazards due to speeding. Since LTA adopted and improvised the Dragon teeth design from other countries, it supports our stand to adopt LTA standard but innovates them to be suitably incorporated onto slip roads with a zebra crossing for the safety of all road users. The article is a useful key source of information to support and present our proposal back to LTA.


  1. Hi Iskandar,

    Your annotated summary is knowledgeable about the purpose of "Dragon Teeth" and it is good to know that other countries are already in use. I really hope that these dragon teeth markings will be implemented in Singapore soon and reduce the accidents rate.
    And great effort on your annotated summary.


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi Iskandar,

    Who would have thought that we can summon a dragon onto our roads someday? Jokes aside, I felt that the summary was well-written in terms of the flow. However, the summary seemed to miss an APA in-text citation. For example, “According to Land Transport Authority (2013)..”. Also, in my opinion, the second last sentence of your summary can be divided into two sentences.

    The minor suggestions did not take away much from what I felt was a well-written article. I hope your research project is adopted and further expanded to other parts of Singapore. I am confident that it will be an instant hit. 😊

    Your LTA buddy,


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